Text for topic: STATE POWER

After Ukraine gained its independence, the creation of an effective modern system of state administration became an important factor of Ukrainian society’s recovery from economic recession.

Gradual implementation of a new system of state administration can ensure the formation of Ukraine as a highly developed, legal, civilised European state with high living standards, high level of social stability, culture and democracy, and it can help Ukraine become an influential state in economic and political life of Europe and the whole world.

According to the current legislation, the main institutions of state power in Ukraine are the President, Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government.


The President of Ukraine is the Guarantor of state sovereignty and territorial independence of Ukraine, observance of the Constitution of Ukraine and citizens’ rights and freedoms. Basing on and in pursuance of the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine the President issues decrees and arrangements, which are binding on the territory of Ukraine.


Justice in Ukraine is administered exclusively by the courts. The jurisdiction of the courts extends to all legal relations that arise in the State. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest judicial body in the system of courts of general jurisdiction. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is the only body of constitutional jurisdiction in Ukraine.


In accordance with Article 75 of the Constitution of Ukraine the Parliament — the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine — is the only legislative body of Ukraine. The constitutional composition of the Verkhovna

Rada of Ukraine consists of 450 National Deputies of Ukraine who are elected for a four-year term on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage, by secret ballot.


In accordance with Article 113 of the Constitution of Ukraine the Government of Ukraine — the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine — is the supreme body in the system of executive power institutions. It is composed of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the First Vice Prime Minister, three Vice Prime Ministers, and Ministers (currently there are sixteen Ministers).


economic recession [rɪ’seʃ(ə)n] — економічний спад

legislation [,ledʒɪs‘leɪʃ(ə)n] — законодавство

in pursuance of [pə’sju:əns] — виконуючи

to issue [ ‘isju:] — видавати, випускати

court [kɔ:t] — суд

jurisdiction [,dʒuərɪs‘dɪkʃ(ə)n] — юрисдикція; правосудця

suffrage [‘sʌfrɪdʒ] — виборче право, право голосу, голос (під час голосування)


1. What can gradual implementation of a new system of state administration ensure ?

2. What are the main institutions of state power in Ukraine?

3. What are the main functions of the President of Ukraine?

4. What is the highest judicial body of general jurisdiction ?

5. What is the only body of constitutional jurisdiction in Ukraine ? 6: What is the only legislative body of Ukraine?

7. How many deputies are there in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and how are they elected?

8. What is the supreme body in the system of executive power?

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