No matter what method of job hunting you use, inevitably somebody will ask you for a resume. Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside. Resumes are sometimes also required in order to receive a job transfer within a company. The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. Very few people are hired without a personal interview. Effective resumes are straightforward, factual presentations of a person’s experience and accomplishments. They are neither overdetailed nor too sketchy. A general rule is that two or three pages in length is best. One page seems too superficial; a four-page (or longer) resume may irritate an impatient employment official. Some writers suggest that a chronological (the standard-type) resume be used; others argue for an accomplishment resume. A useful resume should include both your experiences and key accomplishments. When sent to a prospective employer, a resume should be professionally reproduced, with particular attention to misspellings, typographical errors, and careful spacing. To attract attention, some job seekers print resumes on tinted paper, in a menu-like folder, or on unusual-sized paper. If done in a way to attract positive attention to yourself, these approaches have merit.
inevitably [ɪn’evitəblɪ] — неминуче, неодмінно
to require [n’kwaɪə] — вимагати
to hire [‘haɪə] — наймати, брати на роботу
accomplishment [ə’kʌmplɪʃmənt] — виконання; досягнення
superficial [,sju:pə’fɪʃ(ə)l] — поверховий
to irritate [‘ɪrɪteɪt] — дратувати
tinted [‘ tɪntɪd] paper — тоновий кольоровий папір
merit [‘merɪt] — гідність
1. What is the purpose of a resume?
2. What are effective resumes?
3. What is the length of effective resumes ?
4. What should a useful resume include ?
5. How should a resume be reproduced?RESUME (AN EXAMPLE)
Arthur L. Poland 170 Glenview Drive Dallas, Texas 75243 Born: August 8,1952 Single: no dependants (312) 385-3986
Job Objective. Industrial sales position, handling large, complex machinery. Willing to work largely on commission basis.
Job Experience. Industrial account representative, Bainbridge Corporation, Dallas
1976—present. Sell line of tool and die equipment to companies in Southwest. Duties include servicing established accounts and canvassing for new ones.
1974—1976. Inside sales representative, Bainbridge Corporation. Answered customer inquiries. Filled orders for replacement parts. Trained for outside sales position.
1970—1974. Tool and die maker apprentice, Texas Metals, Inc., Dallas. Assisted senior tool and die makers during four-year training program. Worked on milling machines, jigs, punch presses, numeric control devices.
Formal Education
1970—1974. Madagascar College, Dallas, Texas. Associate Degree in Business Administration; graduated with 3.16 grade point average: courses in marketing, sales techniques, consumer psychology, accounting, and statistics. President of Comuter’s Club.
1966—1970. Big Horn High, Dallas. Honors student; academic major with vocational elective. Played varsity football and basketball. Earned part of living expenses by selling magazine subscriptions.
Job-Related Skills. Competent sales representative. Able to size up customer’s manufacturing problem and make recommendation for appropriate machinery. Precise in preparing call reports and expense accounts.
Major Business Accomplishment. In one year sold at a profit $150 000 worth of excess machine inventory. Received letter of recommendation from company president.
Personal Interests and Hobbies. CW radio hobbyist, scuba diving, recreational golf player, read trade and business magazines.
Mrs Helen Voroshilova ap. 12, 18 Lenina Str., Kharkiv 61072, Ukraine
Years of study | Education |
1993 | Special Programming Training Courses. Certificate |
1983 | Specialized Training Courses for Professional Improvement of Technical Engineering Workers at Kharkiv House of Engineering. Certificate |
1966-1972 | Kharkiv Aviation University. Diploma for Radio Equipment Designing and Manufacture |
1954-1966 | Kharkiv Secondary School No 100. Certificate |
Years of work | Employment |
1994 -till present | Place of work-. ENERGOSBEREZHENIE International Consortium. Position: Engineer-programmer |
1. Software development of the group control, controller for asynchronous engines.2. Development of the circuits and switching devices control programme in connection with an object of control.3. Software development within take-over and turnover tests system for asynchronous engines. Programming is made under ASSEMBLER language. | |
1993-1994 | Place of wort. ENERGETICHESKAYA ELECTRONICA State Small Business. Position-. Engineer-programmer |
Programmed problems:1. Regular software modelling of engine management controllers on personal computers.2. Development of engine control electronic devices.Programming is made under ASSEMBLER language. | |
1993-1974 | Place of work: KOMMUNAR Production AssociationPosition: Electronics engineer Programmed problems:1. Maintenance of electronic equipment for automatic process control production systems of multilayer printed-circuit cards.2. Maintenance of electronic equipment for automatic process control system of vacuum spraying current-conducting layers of printed-circuit cards.3. Maintenance of electronic equipment of automatic process control system of galvanic lines. |
All the posts were connected with necessity of brain-work and technical supervising.
Effectiveness in communication with the staff of employees. The capability to be on good terms with people, to handle with tact the human conflicts in the labour relations. Fluent skills in Ukrainian and Russian.
The ability to work as the engineer-technologist, having a good understanding in this field. Certificate for clothes sewing and modelling.
Surname | Arkusha |
First name | Yury |
Date of birth | 9th January, 1969 |
Place of birth | Markovka, Lugansk Reg. |
Nationality | Ukrainian |
Religion | Orthodox |
Personal status | Married |
Children | Daugther Olga, 1993 |
Profession | Pharmaceutist |
Present occupation | Head and pharmaceutical chemist of pharmacy No 2 of “FORMA LTD” Research and Production Medical and Stomatological Company of Lugansk |
Language proficiency | Ukrainian: mother tongue Russian: reading, writing, speaking — wellEnglish: reading, writing — with the help of dictionaries |
Education | • Ukrainian Pharmaceutical academy (Kharkiv), from 1987 to 1993, majors: nine subjects in chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmaceuticaland factory technology of medicine production, organization and economics of pharmacy, marketing and management• Secondary School No 9 (Belovodsk, Lugansk Reg.), from 1976 to 1986 |
Working experience | • Head and pharmaceutical chemist, Pharmacy No 2 of “Forma Ltd” Research and Production Medical and Stomatological Company of Lugansk, from 1997• Head and pharmaceutical chemist, Pharmacy No 2 of “Doctor Watson” Pharmaceutical Centre, from 1996 to 1997 |
• Pharmaceutical chemist, Pharmacy No 2 of “Doctor Watson” Pharmaceutical Centre, 1996• Commercial Director and PharmaceuticalChemist, Lugansk branch office of “Askol’d” Private Business, Wholesale and Retail Sale in Medicines, from 1995 to 1996• Deputy Head, Reception Department of Lugansk Regional Pharmaceutical Warehouse, from 1993 to 1995• Military Service, as a part of Academic Studies, from 1988 to 1989• Turner of II Grade in Metal, Specialized Mobile Column No 48 (Belovodsk, Lugansk Reg.), from 1986 to 1987 | |
Personal features | Easy to contact and communicate, active, sociable, enterprising |
Driving license and experience | ABK No. 483953 of 1988, ABC categories, experience of car and truck driving |
Contact address | Ap. 35, 9 Dzerzhyns’kyi kvartal, Lugansk 349040 |
Contact telephone | (0642) 22 33 99 (Home) |
Remarks | All the members of my family deal with medicine. My wife has got higher pharmaceutical education and works as a pharmaceutical chemist in a commercial pharmacy. My mother, father and elder brother have got higher medical education and all work as doctors in hospital and out patient clinics |
I declare that all the responses and information given here are true and correct.
Write your own resume curriculum vitae.
Як написати резюме
Незалежно від того, яким способом ви шукаєте роботу, вас неодмінно хто-небудь попросить написати резюме. Більшість компаній вимагає резюме перед тим, як серйозно розглянути якусь нову для компанії кандидатуру на посаду. Резюме іноді також потрібні для того, щоб перевести людину на нову роботу в межах компанії. Мета резюме — допомогти вам зустрітися для розмови з приводу роботи, а не одержати саму роботу. Дуже мало людей беруть на роботу без особистої бесіди. Ефективні резюме мають бути простими, вони фактично є представленням досвіду кандидата і його досягнень. Їх не перевантажують подробицями, але й дуже схематичними вони теж не повинні бути. Загальне правило — найкраще дві або три сторінки. Резюме, з однієї сторінки здається дуже поверховим, з чотирьох сторінок (або більше) може роздратувати нетерплячого представника відділу кадрів. Деякі автори пропонують писати резюме в хронологічному порядку (стандартний тип); інші наводять докази на користь резюме
досягнень. Придатне резюме Мусить включати як ваш досвід, так і ключові досягнення. Відправляючи резюме до майбутнього роботодавця, його” потрібно професіонально оформити, звернувши особливу увагу на орфографічні помилки, друкарські помилки і на правильне розташування тексту. Щоб привернути увагу, деякі шукачі роботи друкують резюме на тоновому кольоровому папері, або в папці для меню, або на незвичайному за величиною папері. Якщо це зроблено, щоб привернути позитивну увагу до себе, такі підходи заслуговують на схвалення.