Text for topic: CLOTHES – Одяг

Not so long ago, nearly all schoolchildren went to school wearing a school uniform. Boys wore a white shirt and a tie, a dark jacket, grey trousers, and black shoes. Girls used to wear a white blouse and a dark, knee-length skirt.

Today in many countries students have a very different kind of uniform. They wear tennis shoes, jeans, and T-shirts. On a hot day students might even come to class in a pair of shorts. Teachers in the past would never have allowed these students into their class. Then the men teachers used to wear a suit and tie and most women teachers wore a dress or skirt. But when you look inside a classroom today, it is sometimes difficult to tell who is the teacher and who are the students!

People from hot sunny countries often find it difficult to imagine how people who live in a very cold climate can live and work in the winter months. These people manage because they know what to wear in the cold. First, it is very important to keep your head, hands, and feet warm. So everyone has a hat, thick gloves to keep their hands warm, and a pair of long socks and strong boots for their feet. Of course, you have to have a heavy overcoat and you should wear a thick woolly sweater under it. A scarf around the neck also helps to keep out the cold. What you wear under your clothes is important, too. People who live in cold climate always wear thick underwear.


shirt [ʃə:t] — сорочка

tie [taɪ] — краватка, галстук

jacket [‘dʒækɪt] — піджак, куртка

trousers [‘trauzəz] — штани, брюки

skirt [skə:t] — спідниця

shorts [ʃɔ:ts] — шорти

to allow [ə’lau] — дозволяти; допускати

to imagine [ɪ’mædʒɪn] — уявляти собі; думати, гадати; припускати

gloves [glʌvz] — рукавички

woolly [‘wulr] — вовняний

underwear [‘ʌndəwɛə] — спідня білизна


1. How does a typical businessman/woman dress in your country?

2. What do schoolchildren usually wear in your country?

3. What clothes do you wear when it is very cold?

4. What clothes do you wear when it is very wet?

5. What clothes do you wear when it is very hot?

6. Describe the traditional clothes or national costume of your country.


I. Finish this sentence with six different items of clothes.

I need a pair of ………

II. Find a logical order for these sentences.

1. He took off his trousers.

2. He put his shoes back on.

3. He tried on the suit.

4. He went into the changing room.

5. He took it off.

6. He paid for the suit.

7. He took off his shoes.

8. He went back to the sales assistant.

9. He put his trousers on again.

III. Fill the gaps with suitable words. (More than one answer may be possible in some cases.)

1. She decided to wear a…….. and a…….. instead of a


2. I tried on a……..; the jacket was fine but the…….. were

too short.

3. It was hot in the office, so I took off my jacket and……..,

and rolled up the sleeves of my………

4. I wanted to buy the jacket, but unfortunately the one I

tried on wasn’t big…….. and they didn’t have it in a


5. I also wanted a new jumper, but unfortunately the medium

size was…….. big and the small size wasn Ї big………

IV. Write down:

a) five things usually worn by women only; and five things worn by men and women;

b) a list of clothes you like and don’t like wearing;

c) five more items of clothing you have at home in your wardrobe / chest of drawers.


Не так уже й давно майже всі школярі ходили до школи в шкільній формі. Хлопчики носили білу сорочку й краватку, темний піджак, сірі брюки та чорні черевики. Дівчатка вдягали білу блузку й темну спідницю до колін.

Сьогодні в багатьох країнах учні мають зовсім іншу уніформу. Вони носять кросівки, джинси й футболки. Спекотливого дня учні можуть навіть прийти в клас у шортах. Раніше вчителі ніколи б не дозволили їм зайти до класу. Тоді чоловіки-вчителі носили костюм і Краватку, а більшість жінок учителів — сукню або спідницю. Але якщо заглянути в клас сьогодні, іноді важко сказати, хто вчитель, а хто учні!

Жителям спекотливих сонячних країн часто важко уявити собі, як люди, які мешкають у холодному кліматі, можуть жити і працювати в зимові місяці. Людям

це вдається, тому що вони знають, що вдягати в холод. По-перше, дуже важливо тримати голову, руки й ноги в теплі. Тому в кожного є шапка, товсті рукавиці, щоб зігрівати руки, і пара довгих шкарпеток і міцних чобіт на ноги. Звичайно, вам треба мати тепле пальто і товстий вовняний светр під ним. Шарф навколо шиї також допоможе врятуватися від холоду. Важливо також, що ви надіваєте під одяг. Люди, які живуть у холодному кліматі, завжди носять цупку білизну.

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